
Call-Sign: “Strid” and “The Great”

Rank: Leader of Dogs, Commander of Men

IMG_9972Astrid is a German Shepherd brought all the way from the Czech Republic when she was 7-weeks old to be a training partner with her owner and our Director of Training, Samantha Scott, for her work at a dog training school in Missouri where Sam studied to become a Master Trainer.  After their work in Missouri, they moved to Colorado where Sam started her own business, Working Paws Canine Training.  They furthered Astrid’s skills with scent detection and did private contract drug detection work.  Sam also worked for the Denver Sheriff’s Department & Astrid spent some time working at the Dallas Police Department.


Now that they are living in Texas and have joined The Rescue for PTSD, Astrid & Sam have become a certified therapy team, where they focus their energy going to elementary schools to work with children who are in need of their help.  They also train IPO (Schutzhund, Internationale Prufunges-Ordnung) as a hobby.
